
October 1, 2007

Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda: Part 3

By Alice M. Hansbrough
September 1, 2007

Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda: Part 2

By Alice M. Hansbrough
August 1, 2007

Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda: Part 1

By Alice M. Hansbrough
July 1, 2007

Spiritualizing Human Relationships

Human relationships are extremely important for the obvious reason that almost every other aspect of life revolves around them. Naturally there will always be variations in these relationships because we are different people with varying temperaments, interests and capacities. During less complicated times, this issue of relating to others occurred in a natural way. But now due to industrialization and technological advances, the speed of life has accelerated leaving people with little time or energy to focus on this essential element of their lives. So it has become imperative to emphasize the need of forming enduring relationships. Simply stated, success or failure in life is greatly influenced by our associations with others.
June 1, 2007

Knowledge, Love, and Union: A Glimpse into the Christian Contemplative Tradition

To some Indians, it may seem presumptuous that a Westerner should write to them about meditation and contemplation, even if it is only about the Christian contemplative tradition. After all, India is the Mother of Meditation. And historically, Christians have not been especially known for their capacity to meditate. The world may admire their teachings on brotherly love, their care for the poor, their schools and their hospitals—everything pertaining to active works of charity—but generally it would not look to Christians as masters of meditation or contemplation in the same way it would look to Hindus or Buddhists.