Ram Nam Sankirtan

Here are the words for our Hollywood Ram Nam Sankirtan, in transliteration, Devanagari, and translation. The version we sing is somewhat abbreviated.

OM śrī rāmacandrāya namaḥ|

varṇānām artha-saṅghānāṁ rasānāṁ chandasām api|
maṅgalānāṁ ca kartārau vande vāṇī-vināyakau||1||

bhavānī-śaṅkarau vande śraddhā-viśvāsa-rūpiṇau|
yābhyāṁ vinā na paśyanti siddhā svāntaḥ-sthamīśvaram||

vande bodhamayaṁ nityaṁ guruṁ śaṅkara-rūpiṇam|
yamāśrito hi vakro’pi candraḥ sarvatra vandyate||3||

vande viśuddha-vijñānau kavīśvara-kapīśvarau||4||

udbhava-sthiti-saṁhāra-kāriṇīṁ kleśa-hāriṇīm|
sarva-śreyas-karīṁ sītāṁ nato’haṁ rāma-vallabhām||5||

yanmāyā-vaśavarti viśvam akhilaṁ brahmādi-devāsurāḥ
yat-sattvādamṛṣaiva bhāti sakalaṁ rajjau yathāher-bhramaḥ|
yatpādaplavam eva bhāti hi bhavāmbhodhestitīrṣāvatāṁ
vande’haṁ tam aśeṣa-kāraṇa-paraṁ rāmākhyam īśaṁ harim||6||

prasannatāṁ yā na gatābhiṣekataḥ tathā na mamlau vanavāsa-duḥkhataḥ|
mukhāmbuja-śrī-raghunandanasya me sadāstu sā mañjula-maṅgala-pradā||7||

śāntaṁ śāśvatam aprameyam anaghaṁ nirvāṇa-śānti-pradaṁ
brahmā-śambhu-phaṇīndra-sevya-maniśaṁ vedānta-vedyaṁ vibhum|
rāmākhyaṁ jagadīśvaraṁ suraguruṁ māyāmanuṣyaṁ hariṁ
vande’haṁ karuṇā-karaṁ raghuvaraṁ bhūpāla-cūḍāmaṇim||13||

ārtānām ārti-hantāraṁ bhītānāṁ bhaya-nāśanaṁ|
dviṣatāṁ kāladaṇḍaṁ taṁ rāmacandraṁ namāmyaham||

vaidehī-sahitaṁ suradrumatale haime mahā-maṇḍape
madhye puṣpaka āsane maṇi-maye vīrāsane susthitam|
agre vācayati prabhañjana-sute tattvaṁ munibhyaḥ paraṁ
vyākhyātaṁ bharatādibhiḥ parivṛtaṁ rāmaṁ bhaje śyāmalam||17||

nānyā spṛhā raghu-pate hṛdaye’smadīye
satyaṁ vadāmi ca bhavān akhilāntar-ātmā|
bhaktiṁ prayaccha raghu-puṅgava nirbharāṁ me
kāmādi-doṣa-rahitaṁ kuru mānasaṁ ca||

OM śrī-sītā-lakṣmaṇa-bharata-śatrughna-hanumat-sameta-
śrī-rāmacandra-para-brahmaṇe namaḥ||

1 śuddha-brahma-parātpara rām|
2 kālātmaka-parameśvara rām||
3 śeṣa-talpa-sukha-nidrita rām|
4 brahmādy-amara-prārthita rām||
5 caṇḍaki-raṇakula-maṇḍana rām|
6 śrīmad-daśaratha-nandana rām||
7 kauśalyā-sukha-vardhana rām|
8 viśvāmitra-priyadhana rām||
śuddha-brahma-parātpara rām|
kālātmaka-parameśvara rām||
11 kauśikamakha-saṁrakṣaka rām|
12 śrīmad-ahalyoddhāraka rām||
13 gautama-muni-sampūjita rām|
14 sura-muni-varagaṇa-saṁstuta rām||
85 sakala-jīva-saṁrakṣaka rām|
86 samasta-lokā-dhāraka rām||
śuddha-brahma-parātpara rām|
kālātmaka-parameśvara rām||
97 āyodhyaka-jana-muktida rām|
98 vidhi-mukha-vibudhānandaka rām||
99 tejo-maya-nija-rūpaka rām|
100 saṁsṛti-bandha-vimocaka rām||
101 dharma-sthāpana-tatpara rām|
102 bhakti-parāyaṇa-muktida rām||
śuddha-brahma-parātpara rām|
kālātmaka-parameśvara rām||
103 sarva-carācara-pālaka rām|
104 sarva-bhavāmaya-vāraka rām||
105 vaikuṇṭhā-laya-saṁsthita rām|
106 nityānanda-pada-sthita rām||
107 rām rām rām jaya rājā rām|
108 rām rām rām jaya sītā rām||
sītā rām jaya rājā rām|
rājā rām jaya sītā rām||
rām rām jaya rājā rām|
rām rām jaya sītā rām||
sītā rām jaya rājā rām|
rājā rām jaya sītā rām||

bhaya-hara maṅgala daśaratha rām|
jaya jaya maṅgala sītā rām||

maṅgala-kara jaya maṅgala rām|
saṅgata-śubha-vibhavodaya rām||

ānandāmṛta-varṣaka rām|
āśrita-vatsala jaya jaya rām||

raghupati rāghava rājā rām|
patita-pāvana sītā rām||

kanakāmbara kamalāsana-janakākhila- dhāma|
sanakādika-muni-mānasa-sadanānagha bhūma||

śaraṇāgata-suranāyaka-cira-kāmita kāma|
dharaṇītala-taraṇa daśaratha-nandana rāma||

piśitāśana-vanitāvadha-jagad-ānanda rāma|
kuśikātmaja-makha-rakṣaṇa caritādbhuta rāma||

dhani-gautama-gṛhiṇī-svajad-agha-mocana rāma|
muni-maṇḍala-bahu-mānita pada-pāvana rāma||

smara-śāsana-suśarāsana-laghu-bhañjana rāma|
nara-nirjara-jana-rañjana sītā-pati- rāma||
kusumāyudha-tanu-sundara kamalānana rāma|
vasumānita-bhṛgu-sambhava-mada-mardana rāma||

karuṇārasa-varuṇā-laya nata-vatsala rāma|
śaraṇaṁ tava caraṇaṁ bhava-haraṇaṁ mama rāma||

śrī rāma-praṇāmaḥ
āpadām apahartāraṁ dātāraṁ sarva-sampadām|
lokābhirāmaṁ śrī-rāmaṁ bhūyo bhūyo namāmy-aham||
rāmāya rāmacandrāya rāma-bhadrāya vedhase|
raghu-nāthāya nāthāya sītāyāḥ pataye namaḥ||

śrī hanumat-praṇāmaḥ
yatra yatra raghunātha-kīrtanaṁ
tatra tatra kṛta-mastakāñjalim|
mārutiṁ namata rākṣasāntakam||7||

bhajanam (optional songs)
guru kṛpāñjana pāyo mere bhāī |
rāma binā kachu jānata nāhī̐ ||

andara rāma bāhira rāma |
jaha̐ dekhau̐ taha̐ rāmahī rāma ||

jāgata rāma sovata rāma |
sapana me̐ dekhau̐ rājā rāma ||

kahata kabīrā anubhava nīkā |
jo dekhau̐ so rāma sarīkhā ||


prema-mudita mana se kaho rāma rāma rām|
śrī rāma rāma rāma śrī rāma rāma rām||

pāpa kaṭe duḥkha miṭe leta rāma-nām|
bhava-samudra sukhada nāva eka rāma-nām||

parama śānti-sukha-nidhāna nitya rāma-nām|
nirādhāra ko ādhāra eka rāmanām||

parama gopya parama iṣṭa mantra rāma-nām|
santa-hṛdaya sadā basata eka rāmanām||

mahādeva satata japata divya rāma-nām|
kāsi marata mukta karata kahata rāma-nām||

mātā pitā bandhu sakhā sabahi rāma-nām|
bhakata-janana jīvana-dhana eka rāma-nām||


ॐ श्रीरामचन्द्राय नमः।
वर्णानामर्थसङ्घानां रसानां छन्दसामपि।
मङ्गलानां च कर्तारौ वन्दे वाणीविनायकौ॥१॥

भवानीशङ्करौ वन्दे श्रद्धाविश्वासरूपिणौ।
याभ्यां विना न पश्यन्ति सिद्धा स्वान्तःस्थमीश्वरम्॥२॥

वन्दे बोधमयं नित्यं गुरुं शङ्कररूपिणम्।
यमाश्रितो हि वक्रोऽपि चन्द्रः सर्वत्र वन्द्यते॥३॥

वन्दे विशुद्धविज्ञानौ कवीश्वरकपीश्वरौ॥४॥

उद्भवस्थितिसंहारकारिणीं क्लेशहारिणीम्।
सर्वश्रेयस्करीं सीतां नतोऽहं रामवल्लभाम्॥५॥

यन्मायावशवर्ति विश्वमखिलं ब्रह्मादिदेवासुराः
यत्सत्त्वादमृषैव भाति सकलं रज्जौ यथाहेर्भ्रमः।
यत्पादप्लवमेव भाति हि भवाम्भोधेस्तितीर्षावतां
वन्देऽहं तमशेषकारणपरं रामाख्यमीशं हरिम्॥६॥

प्रसन्नतां या न गताभिषेकतःतथा न मम्लौ वनवासदुःखतः।
मुखाम्बुजश्रीरघुनन्दनस्य मे सदास्तु सा मञ्जुलमङ्गलप्रदा॥७॥

शान्तं शाश्वतमप्रमेयमनघं निर्वाणशान्तिप्रदं
ब्रह्माशम्भुफणीन्द्रसेव्यमनिशं वेदान्तवेद्यं विभुम्।
रामाख्यं जगदीश्वरं सुरगुरुं मायामनुष्यं हरिं
वन्देऽहं करुणाकरं रघुवरं भूपालचूडामणिम्॥१३॥

आर्तानामार्तिहन्तारं भीतानां भयनाशनं।
द्विषतां कालदण्डं तं रामचन्द्रं नमाम्यहम्॥१५॥

वैदेहीसहितं सुरद्रुमतले हैमे महामण्डपे
मध्ये पुष्पक आसने मणिमये वीरासने सुस्थितम्।
अग्रे वाचयति प्रभञ्जनसुते तत्त्वं मुनिभ्यः परं
व्याख्यातं भरतादिभिः परिवृतं रामं भजे श्यामलम्॥१७॥

नान्या स्पृहा रघुपते हृदयेऽस्मदीये सत्यं वदामि च भवानखिलान्तरात्मा।
भक्तिं प्रयच्छ रघुपुङ्गव निर्भरां मे कामादिदोषरहितं कुरु मानसं च॥

ॐ श्रीसीता-लक्ष्मण-भरत-शत्रुघ्न-हनुमत्समेत-
श्रीरामचन्द्र-परब्रह्मणे नमः॥

१. शुद्धब्रह्मपरात्पर राम।
२. कालात्मकपरमेश्वर राम॥
३. शेषतल्पसुखनिद्रित राम।
४. ब्रह्माद्यमरप्रार्थित राम॥
५. चण्डकिरणकुलमण्डन राम।
६. श्रीमद्दशरथनन्दन राम॥
७. कौशल्यासुखवर्धन राम।
८. विश्वामित्रप्रियधन राम॥
शुद्धब्रह्मपरात्पर राम।
कालात्मकपरमेश्वर राम॥
११. कौशिकमखसंरक्षक राम।
१२. श्रीमदहल्योद्धारक राम॥
१३. गौतममुनिसम्पूजित राम।
१४. सुरमुनिवरगणसंस्तुत राम॥
८५. सकलजीवसंरक्षक राम।
८६. समस्तलोकाधारक राम॥
शुद्धब्रह्मपरात्पर राम।
कालात्मकपरमेश्वर राम॥
९७. आयोध्यकजनमुक्तिद राम।
९८. विधिमुखविबुधानन्दक राम॥
९९. तेजोमयनिजरूपक राम।
१००. संसृतिबन्धविमोचक राम॥
१०१. धर्मस्थापनतत्पर राम।
१०२. भक्तिपरायणमुक्तिद राम॥
शुद्धब्रह्मपरात्पर राम।
कालात्मकपरमेश्वर राम॥
१०३. सर्वचराचरपालक राम।
१०४. सर्वभवामयवारक राम॥
१०५. वैकुण्ठालयसंस्थित राम।
१०६. नित्यानन्दपदस्थित राम॥
१०७. राम राम राम जय राजा राम।
१०८. राम राम राम जय सीता राम॥
सीता राम जय राजा राम।
राजा राम जय सीता राम॥
राम राम जय राजा राम।
राम राम जय सीता राम॥
सीता राम जय राजा राम।
राजा राम जय सीता राम॥

भयहर मङ्गल दशरथ राम।
जय जय मङ्गल सीता राम॥
मङ्गलकर जय मङ्गल राम।
सङ्गतशुभविभवोदय राम॥
आनन्दामृतवर्षक राम।
आश्रितवत्सल जय जय राम॥
रघुपति राघव राजा राम।
पतितपावन सीता राम॥
कनकाम्बर कमलासनजनकाखिल- धाम।
सनकादिकमुनिमानससदनानघ भूम॥

शरणागतसुरनायकचिरकामित काम।
धरणीतलतरण दशरथनन्दन राम॥

पिशिताशनवनितावधजगदानन्द राम।
कुशिकात्मजमखरक्षण चरिताद्भुत राम॥

धनिगौतमगृहिणीस्वजदघमोचन राम।
मुनिमण्डलबहुमानित पदपावन राम॥

स्मरशासनसुशरासनलघुभञ्जन राम।
नरनिर्जरजनरञ्जन सीतापति- राम॥
कुसुमायुधतनुसुन्दर कमलानन राम।
वसुमानितभृगुसम्भवमदमर्दन राम॥

करुणारसवरुणालय नतवत्सल राम।
शरणं तव चरणं भवहरणं मम राम॥

आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसम्पदाम्।
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम्॥
रामाय रामचन्द्राय रामभद्राय वेधसे।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः॥
यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकाञ्जलिम्।
वाष्पवारिपरिपूर्णलोचनं मारुतिं नमत राक्षसान्तकम्॥७॥

गुरु कृपाञ्जन पायो मेरे भाई ।
राम बिना कछु जानत नाहीं ॥
अन्दर राम बाहिर राम ।
जहँ देखौं तहँ रामही राम ॥
जागत राम सोवत राम ।
सपन में देखौं राजा राम ॥
कहत ‘कबीरा’ अनुभव नीका ।
जो देखौं सो राम सरीखा ॥

प्रेममुदित मन से कहो राम राम राम।
श्रीराम राम राम, श्रीराम राम राम॥
पाप कटे, दुःख मिटे, लेत रामनाम।
भव-समुद्र सुखद नाव एक राम नाम॥

परम शान्ति-सुख-निधान नित्य रामनाम।
निराधार को आधार एक रामनाम॥
परम गोप्य, परम इष्ट मन्त्र रामनाम।
सन्त-हृदय सदा बसत एक रामनाम॥

महादेव सतत जपत दिव्य रामनाम।
कासि मरत मुक्त करत, कहत रामनाम॥
माता पिता बन्धु सखा सबहि रामनाम।
भकत-जनन जीवनधन एक रामनाम॥

Om Salutations to Sri Ramachandra

We salute Saraswati (Vāni), from whom sounds derive their meanings and thoughts find expression in poetic metres. We salute Ganesha (Vināyaka), who assures the successful completion of all undertakings.
We salute Bhavānī, the Divine Mother, and Shankara, Lord Śiva, who manifest as conviction and faith, and without whom no seeker can realize the Divine within.
Salutations to the Guru, whose nature is Eternal consciousness, the embodiment of Lord Śiva, by association with whom the crescent moon is universally respected in spite of its curve.
We salute the great poet (kavi) Vālmīki and the great devotee Hanuman (kapi), who are endowed with pure spiritual insight, and who roam about the sacred forest of the abundant glories of Sita-Rāma.
We bow down to Sītā, the beloved of Rāma, who creates, maintains, and destroys this world, the remover of all afflictions, and the grantor of all felicity.
We salute Lord Hari, who is called Rāma; who is beyond the ultimate cause; by whose māyā the entire universe is controlled, as well as Brahma the creator, and other gods (the Devas and the Asuras); because of whose existence everything appears real like the illusory perception of a snake on a rope; and whose feet are like a raft to those who desire to cross the ocean of life (samsāra).
May the splendor of Srī Rāma’s lotus face, which grew neither bright at the prospect of coronation nor dim by the painful experience of exile, always bring sweet felicity to me.

We salute Rāma, the ruler of the universe, the God of gods, Hari embodied as man through His Māyā, serene, eternal, immeasur­able, stainless, capable of bestowing the peace of Nirvāna, wor­ship­ped always by Brahmā, Śiva, and others, all-pervading, the object of study in the Vedānta, full of mercy, Lord of the Raghu clan, and the crest-jewel of the world’s rulers.
We salute Rāmachandra, who remedies the sorrows of the afflicted, who gives courage to the frightened, and who is a terror to his foes.
We adore the blue-complexioned Rāma, who is seated along with Sītā on a gem-studded throne, inside the flower chariot on a golden platform, under the heavenly tree. Surrounded by Bharata and others, Śrī Rāma is expounding the Supreme Truth to the sages, while Hanumān stands before him reading the sacred text.
There is no other desire, O Rāma, in my heart, and I speak the truth, O innermost Self of all. Grant me ardent devotion, O best of the Raghus, and free my mind from passion and other impurities!
Om! Salutations to Śri Rāmachandra, the Supreme Being, accompanied by Śrī Sītā, Lakshmana, Bharata, Śatrughna, and Hanumān.

1. Rāma, the pure and supreme Brahman;
2. Rāma, the supreme God, time itself.
3. Rāma, resting on the serpent Śesha, merged in his own bliss,
4. Rāma, prayed to by Brahma and the other gods to incarnate.
5. Rāma, the jewel of the solar race,
6. Rāma, the son of Daśaratha.
7. Rāma, the giver of unending joy to his mother Kauśalya,
8. Rāma, the darling of Viśvāmitra.

11. Rāma, who protected the sacrificial rites of Viśvāmitra;
12. Rāma, the savior and giver of life of Ahalya.
13. Rāma, worshipped by the sage Gautama;
14. Rāma, praised by the sages and gods.
85. Rāma, the protector of all creatures;
86. Rāma, the ground of all existence.

97. Rāma, the savior of all people of Āyodhya;
98. Rāma, the bestower of bliss on Brahma and the other gods.
99. Rāma, whose very nature is light itself;
100. Rāma, who cuts asunder the bonds of worldliness.
101. Rāma, who establishes righteousness;
102 Rama, the savior of his devotees.

103. Rāma, the protector of all, moving and unmoving;
104. Rāma, healer of worldliness.
105. Rāma, whose abode is the highest heaven;
106. Rāma, who is established in eternal bliss.
107. Rāma, Rāma, Rāma, hail King Rāma:
108. Rāma, Rāma, Rāma, hail Sītā and Rāma.
1. Rama takes away fear. He is auspicious. He is the son of Daśaratha.
Hail to auspicious Sita and Rama.
2. Hail to auspicious Rama, who brings happiness to men.
He is the source of all beauty, virtue and prosperity.
3. Rama showers down the nectar of bliss.
He is tender to those who come to him for refuge. Hail to Rama.
4. He is lord of the Raghus, king of the solar race.
Sita and Rama purify those who have fallen.

Rama, clad in golden robes, sitting on a lotus—he is the creator, the dwelling-place of all creatures. He dwells in the hearts of Sanaka and other sages; he is vast like the cosmos and beyond all evil.
The king of gods and those who seek refuge with him long for him eternally. He is the savior of all beings on earth, and the son of Daśaratha.
He slew the flesh-eating demoness Tataka; he brings bliss to the world. His deeds are wonderful; he removed the obstacles to Visvamitra’s sacrificial rites.
He liberated Ahalya, the wife of the sage Gautama, from the effects of her sin. In the sages’ circle he is much honored; his feet purify all.
He easily broke the great bow of Shiva, the chastiser of the god of lust. The lord of Sita, he delights both men and gods.
His limbs are as beautiful as those of him whose arrows are tipped with flowers, (the god of love); his face is charming like a lotus. Rama is honored by the Vasus; he crushed the pride of Parasurama.
Varuna, (the ocean god), dwells in him; he is an ocean filled with the essence of compassion; he is tender to those who bow to him.Your feet are my refuge, O Rama, you take away my worldliness.

I salute Rama again and again, who is the remover of distress, the giver of all prosperity, and the delight of the world.
My salutations to Rama the beautiful, Rama the gracious and virtuous, the lord of the Raghus, the lord of Sita, the lord of all.

Wherever Rama’s praise is sung, there is Hanuman also, his head bowed, his hands folded in reverence and his eyes overflowing with tears. I salute Hanuman, the destroyer of demons.


Oh my brother, I have obtained the collyrium of my guru’s grace; now, besides Rama, I know nothing at all.
Within, Rama; without, Rama;
wherever I look, there I see only Rama!
In waking, Rama; in sleep, Rama;
in my dreams, I see only Raja Rama!
Kabir says, “It is my experience,
whoever I see, is identical with Rama.”

With love and joy, from the bottom of your heart,
repeat the name of Rama.
Sin and suffering are annihilated, taken away by the name of Rama; The one ferry taking us across the ocean of this world
is the name of Rama.
The great treasure of supreme peace and joy is the eternal name of Rama; the one help of the helpless is the name of Rama.
The most profound secret and the greatest mantra is the name of Rama; reverberating always in the hearts of saints is that one name—Rama.
Mahadeva is eternally chanting the divine name of Rama; he liberates one dying in Kashi, uttering the name of Rama.
Mother and father, friend and companion, the name of Rama is all these; the great treasure of the devotee’s life is the name of Rama alone.

Remembering Swami Vivekananda through Service as Worship: Annual Food Drive
January 18, 2020
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Ram Nam Sankirtan