Swami M.

April 2, 2020

Ram Nam Sankirtan

Here are the words for our Hollywood Ram Nam Sankirtan, in transliteration, Devanagari, and translation. The version we sing is somewhat abbreviated. OM śrī rāmacandrāya namaḥ| […]
May 12, 2016

Survey on Holy Mother

A Letter from Suzanne Schier-Happell requesting participation in an online survey about Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi Dear Vedanta Society members, My name is Suzanne Schier-Happell, […]
November 8, 2014

Kālī in our Hearts and Minds (Part 2)

David Nelson (Devadatta) is a longstanding devotee. He gave this retreat on October 25, 2014. Devadatta is an authority on Kali. He has masterfully retranslated the […]
April 28, 2014


Thank you; we will keep you on our mail­ing list.
March 18, 2014

Sri Ramakrishna Puja 2014 Photos, Hollywood