Santa Barbara Temple List

  • Swami Saradananda

    Santa Barbara Temple

    Wednesday, 12 March 2025 @ 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

    We will be reading "Glimpses of a Great Soul: A Portrait of Swami Saradananda" by Swami Aseshananda.

    You can join us in person, or you can join us online.

     Join us on YouTube at 

    Contact for zoom information.

  • Sunday Talk: Do you Really Believe in Reincarnation?

    Santa Barbara Temple

    Sunday, 16 March 2025 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Speaker: Swami Medhananda

    You can join us in person or you can join us online. We have Sunday school in person only, for kids ages 4 and up.

    Contact for Zoom information.

Hollywood Temple List
May 16, 2016
Trabuco Monastery List
May 16, 2016
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Santa Barbara Temple List